free computer equipment recycling and disposal for schools, colleges and businesses, ict recycling near me

01332 239122

Free, WEEE compliant, computer equipment recycling and disposal for schools, colleges and business

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Safe Collections

Due to the new Corona Virus outbreak IT Collections Ltd have created a new risk assessment instigating new procedures for the collection of IT equipment from customer premises.

Wearing of Gloves and protective equipment

All collection personnel will wear gloves and a protective face covering when entering customers premises. An adequate supply of these have been provided with training and assessment of competence on how to remove and dispose of them carefully and safely to reduce contamination.

Social Distancing

Staff will comply with the 2-metre (6.5 foot) gap recommended by the Public Health Agency. Only one driver will be permitted to travel in company vehicles in relation to IT Collections Ltd business. This may result in multiple vehicles being used if more than one operative is required to fulfil onsite requirements.

Testing & Isolation

Any staff member presenting with COVID-19 symptoms as defined by Public Health England will be required to self isolate for a minimum of 14 days and will only be allowed back to work on evidencing testing negative for COVID-19.


All staff have been trained on the risk of the spread of Corona Virus via coughing, sneezing and contact with surfaces, and have therefore been provided with suitable alcohol based wipes and hand sanitizers for equipment and personal use.

Drivers will sanitize hands and wear protective equipment on entering and leaving public and business premises and adhere to any health and safety procedures in place on customer sites.

Paper work

WEEE certificates usually issued and signed by customers on collection will now be paperless and sent via email after collection.

Rigorous checks will be carried out by managers to ensure that the above procedures are being followed.

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reuse, recycle and reduce logo
east midlands chamber logo

We'd love to hear from you ...

Once you no longer require the ICT equipment, we will ensure that all data has been securely removed, to the point where it can no longer be recovered.

About IT Collections Ltd, Derby

IT Collections was established over 15 years ago, we specialise in computer equipment recycling and electrical office equipment re-use and recycling.

Having clients throughout the UK,we are a midlands based company. We are registered with the environment agency as a carrier and broker of waste and hold a EA Site permit for the removal and recycling of WEEE designated waste.

Other registrations include status as a designated collection facility and we are registered with the Information Commissioners Officer in relation to Data Protection.

Contact Us

01332 239122
